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Born and raised in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, JunYi Chow began studying piano and music theory at the age of 5. He gained admittance into Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing in 2005 and there studied with WenChen Qin, Gang Chen and JianPing Tang. After graduation in 2011, Chow began to study in the U.S. at Indiana University, Jacobs School of Music as a student of P.Q. Phan, and completed his Master’s degree in May 2013.


Chow Jun Yi has won many awards in various forms of music composition. He was the Second Prize of Taipei Chinese Orchestra International Composition Competition in 2010 with his Chinese Orchestra work, Kampung. In December 2010, his first symphonic work Getaran was commissioned and premiered by the Malaysian Philharmonic Youth Orchestra, and was performed in “Past & Present” –a concert that toured Kuantan, Penang and Kuala Lumpur. In 2012, his Dialogue for Pipa, Alto Sheng and Western Ensemble was selected for Young Composers Project of Beijing Modern Music Festival. In the same year, Chow won the first prize of Singapore International Competition for Chinese Chamber Music Composition. Chow was also the finalist of 2013 United States ASCAP Morton Gould Prize. In March 2016, Chow’s Guanzi & Orchestra is selected to perform at the 2016 Hong Kong Chinese Chinese Orchestra International Composers’ Summit during Hong Kong Arts Festival. In May 2016, Chow was invited by Janis Claxton, a choreographer based in Edinburgh, to join her in scoring music for her dance research project during her residency at Damansara Performing Arts Centre, Malaysia. In August 2016, 10 works performed by The TENG Ensemble in ‘Stories from an Island’ production at the Esplanade in Singapore. 


Chow is now the Composer-in-residence of Vivo Experimental Orchestra from Malaysia and The TENG Company from Singapore. Chow’s music has been performed in many places, including Malaysia, Singapore, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, United States, and Canada. As a pianist and cellist, Chow plays Classical repertoire as well as free improvisations with musicians in KL, Beijing, and New York City.


赵俊毅1987年出生于马来西亚吉隆坡,5岁开始学习钢琴,中学参与民乐团演奏⼤提琴和 倍⼤提琴。先后在中央⾳乐学院秦文琛、陈岗和唐建平教授,美国印地安纳大学雅各布音乐学院P.Q. Phan教授指导下学习作曲,并获得硕⼠学位。


赵俊毅于2010年接受马来西亚青年爱乐团委约并在马来西亚全国巡回演出交响乐作品 《Getaran》;同年民族管弦乐队作品《⽢榜乡情》获台北市⽴国乐团TCO国际作曲大赛⼆等奖(⼀等奖空缺), 2012年其琵琶与管弦乐队作品《对话》⼊选北京现代⾳乐节青年作曲家发展计划;同年获得由新加坡鼎艺团所举办的国际华族室内乐作曲比赛(室内乐团组合)一等奖。赵俊毅还是2013年美国Morton Gould Prize青年作曲家⼤奖赛⼊围者。2016年3月《管子与乐队》入围由香港中乐团举办的「闔興乎來,全球徵曲」活动并在[中乐无疆界-国际作曲高峰会]由香港中乐团发表作品。同年5月受苏格兰编舞家珍妮丝·克雷斯顿(Janis Claxton)邀请前到白沙罗演艺中心(DPAC)参与她的舞蹈研讨项目以及即兴音乐创作。2016年8月,由新加坡鼟乐团(The TENG Ensemble)委约创作的十部新作品在新加坡滨海艺术中心演出;由巴生爱韵合唱团委约为《念海》合唱音乐剧创作六部新合唱作品。 2016年10月赵俊毅出席参与为期五周的加拿大班夫艺术中心音乐家驻地项目。


赵俊毅目前是马来西亚大乐乐创意音乐工作室以及新加坡The TENG Company的驻团作曲。多部作品在马来西亚、新加坡、中国⼤陆、台湾、⾹港、印尼、⽇本、韩国、德国、意大利、立陶宛、美国、加拿⼤等国家和地区演出。作为钢琴及大提琴演奏家,他常与吉隆坡、北京、纽约的音乐家合作演奏古典以及即兴音乐。

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